Audience Effects Theory


 1) Write a definition of a passive audience: 

Passive: This is the view that audiences passively take in information from the media and that these messages have the same effect on everyone.

2) Write a definition of an active audience: 

Active: This is the more modern and generally accepted view that audiences interact with and make conscious choices regarding the media they consume.

3) Write a definition of the hypodermic needle theory

This is the suggestion that audiences are always passive and therefore take the intended message from the producer as if it was injected into their minds. This assumes no individual difference in audience members. 

Media Product

INFORMATION/SURVEILLANCE: Media text - The Times newspaper
 > Why: It tells audiences important information about politics, the world and more.

PERSONAL IDENTITY: Youtube Clips In Basketball/Playing the Guitar
 > Why:  It tells the audience that I have different views on certain activities in which other people around me wont enjoy.

DIVERSION/ENTERTAINMENT: Watching Films/Relaxing outside
 > Why:  It shows the audience that people can have their own way of living and that it allows them to divert their attention from the real world.

RELATIONSHIPS: Media product - Friends social media
 > Why: You can see what your friends are up to and how they are doing

5) Re-watch the clip from Blue Planet above and write a paragraph analysing how elements of the clip offer the audience pleasures or gratifications (use media terminology from Uses and Gratifications theory and the 3 Vs - notes outlined above). 

In The Clip of Blue Planet, David Attenborough uses 4 significant elements which offers the audience pleasures or gratification. This is as, first of all  it showed in the entertainment/diversion part of the clip, it was quite relaxing as its realistically portrayed the beautiful wildlife. As well as, the high level use of technology and camera movement really brings out of your daily lives and just escape from the actual reality. In the personal side of Identity surrounding the blue planet clip it showed the audience a lot of favourite interest in which this is animals 


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